
We fully believe that we are stronger together and that by uplifting one another, we uplift all. Through our collaborations with brilliant women creators, we hope to foster the Bonds between us all.

herstory jewelry collection

In Collaboration with Leah Fox

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Here at Bonds Magazine, we are learning to trust in the stars aligning just as they should and our collaboration with artist + guide, Leah Fox, feels like a powerful reflection of that trust. When we reached out to Leah to see if she would be interested in collaborating in some way, we didn’t know exactly what would come from the conversation, only that we wanted to share her creativity, intuition, and magic with you. When she told us she was moved to create a HerStory jewelry line, we were in total awe, and still are, as we share her beautiful work with you here ❤

The exclusive collection was created by Leah using lapis and turquoise, stones she chose to support and celebrate women speaking their truth.

Lapis : radical + uncensored expression

Turquoise : protection + healing

This collection is no longer available.


In Collaboration with Natalie Marnica


We’ve been returning to Natalie’s Anger Release Technique often (see our Favorite Things section), and having found that simple movement so powerful and healing, we reached out and asked Natalie if she would make a video just for Bonds Magazine, and she did! We’ve been struggling with staying present and Natalie shared with us a simple movement we could do anytime, anywhere, to get back into our bodies and into the moment. Big thanks to Natalie Marnica, founder of Sacred Mountain Yoga, for sharing her work with us and for all that she does to heal and uplift those around her.